washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

At HuffPo AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka explains the importance of President Obama’s initiatives to address a major injustice in America — mass incarceration: “Simply put, mass incarceration is ineffective, racist, and morally bankrupt. It is up to all of us — business and labor, Republican and Democrat, liberal and conservative — to do something about it.” Trumka expressed the Federation’s support for: Removing questions about criminal records from job applications (Ban the Box); Increasing job training to enhance prisoner reentry to society; The elimination of mandatory minimum sentencing in non-violent drug cases; A federal review of prison overcrowding and the use of solitary confinement; Restoring voting rights for ex-felons.
Details are still a little sketchy. But it appears that the killings in Chattanooga provide yet another tragic example of why sale of automatic/semi-automatic assault weapons to civilians should be banned, as a narrow majorities affirmed in 2013 Pew and CBS News polls.
Evan Halper of the L.A. Times posts on “The savvy tech strategy fueling Bernie Sanders’ upstart 2016 campaign.”
It’s encouraging that Democratic presidential candidates are putting more emphasis on reforms to improve workplace justice. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has proposed “a new tax credit on Thursday to encourage more businesses to offer profit-sharing to their workers, sharpening her campaign’s focus on raising middle-class incomes,” as John D. McKinnon reports at the Wall St. Journal.
The Cascadia Advocate’s Rennie Sawade writes about the deliberations of a Netroots Nation panel “A new fifty state strategy: Reversing the Democratic collapse in the states.”
Maria J. Stephan and Errin Mazursky make a strong case for reorienting U.S. foreign policy to give more support to authentic, home grown and nonviolent reform movements.
They keep saying he won’t last, but Trump leads the GOP field as Republican strategists cringe and grimace because…
…”Among Latino voters, 71% have an unfavorable view of Trump, compared with 17% who see him favorably, the poll showed. Matched in a hypothetical horse race against Clinton, Trump would lose 70%-16%,” according to a Univision survey by Bendixen & Amandi, a Democratic firm, and the Tarrance Group, a GOP firm, David Lauter reports at the L. A. Times.
Pundits are beginning to realize that Obama may be one of the shrewder long-term strategists to occupy the White House, as indicated most recently by Todd S. Purdum’s Politico post on “Barack Obama’s Long Game.”

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