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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

At the National Journal Ronald Brownstein reports on the “States of Change Project” directed by TDS founding editor Ruy Teixeira of the Center for American Progress and Karlyn Bowman of the American Enterprise institute: “The goals of the project are: (1) to document and analyze the challenges to democracy posed by the rapid demographic evolution of the United States, from the 1970’s to the year 2060; and (2) to promote a wide-ranging and bipartisan discussion of America’s demographic future and what it portends for the political parties and the policy challenges they (and the country) face.”
Also at the National Journal, Brownstein explains why Georgia, Texas and Arizona will be increasingly central to Republican electoral strategy. Brownstein provides a perceptive, data-driven analysis of demographic change and voting in these three states.
You could call it the “Georgia minority voter reduction Act,” a measure that cleared the Republican-controlled state House Governmental Affairs Committee, reducing early voting days from 21 to 12 and allowing counties to make early voting on Sundays during the shortened period optional.
Former Bush speechwriter David Frum outlines an Eisenhoweresque sanity agenda for Republicans at The Atlantic. Expect few takers among GOP leaders.
Meanwhile, in this year’s politics, Kyle Kondik is “Checking in on 2015’s Gubernatorial Races” at the Crystal Ball, and finds a Republican edge in the three races, with Dems having their best shot in KY.
In his American Prospect article, “How Democratic Progressives Survived a Landslide: They ran against Wall Street and carried the white working class. The Democrats who shunned populism got clobbered,” Bob Moser makes the case that “mushy moderation has failed to convert many Republicans or Republican-leaning independents, even as it gives Democratic-leaners nothing special to get excited about.”
I doubt evolution will be much of a pivotal issue in the 2016 presidential election, but it could make for some amusing squirmage in the GOP presidential primary debates. Luke Brinker has a round-up preview at Salon.com.
But it looks like the Republican establishment would like to have some softball love-ins replacing vigorous debates, as Cameron Joseph reports at The Hill.
Re Jon Stewart’s tent-fold announcement, Jamelle Bouie has a couple of points worth thinking about. Still, credit Stewart with dozens of blistering and hilarious riffs on GOP hypocrisy that no one else on the tube, save Bill Maher would dare to match. Here’s hoping Stewart doesn’t retire from political criticism.

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