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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

Greg Sargent has a “hopeful but realistic” interview with Guy Cecil, the executive director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, at the Plum Line.
The Upshot’s Nate Cohn reveals “Why Polls Tend to Undercount Democrats,” cites “extensive research, suggesting that many of today’s polls struggle to reach Democratic-leaning groups.”
Jamelle Bouie reports at Slate.com on “The Most Brazen Attempt at Voter Suppression Yet”: “According to a six-month-long investigation conducted by Greg Palast for Al Jazeera, “voting officials in 27 states, almost all of them Republicans, have launched what is threatening to become a massive purge of black, Hispanic, and Asian-American voters. Already, tens of thousands have been removed from voter rolls in battleground states, and the numbers are set to climb.”
Jeremy W. Peters reports in The New York Times that “Democrats have said they need to raise the share of the electorate that is African-American to 21 percent, from 19 percent in the last midterm election in 2010, to prevail over Republicans, who control both chambers of the state legislature and the governor’s mansion.”
At HuffPo Pollster Ariel Edwards-Levy and Mark Blumenthal discuss the game-changing potential of “late shifts” in voting, particularly among undecided voters.
Andrew Kohut’s “Registered voters, likely voters, turnout rates: What does it all mean to 2014 election forecasts?” at Pew Research Center provides a useful primer for the midterm elections.
At The Fix Aaron Blake explains why Latino voters are not turning away from the Obama Administration as a result of its immigration policies.
Robocalls, candidate visits to voters homes are down from 2010 midterm elections, according to new Pew Research survey.
Democratic candidate for Governor of Florida Charlie Crist has opened up a huge lead with independents — 18 points — in new Quinnipiac poll.

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