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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

Campaign for America’s Future’s Dave Johnson argues “Dems Should Campaign On Trade And Jobs, Not On Being Like Republicans.”
Put Egberto Willies’s Daily Kos post, “Obama slams reporter’s right-wing adopted talking point as bogus” on your must-read list for the day. Willies does an excellent job of showing how President Obama shreds both the neo-con critique of his Iraq policy and shallow MSM reporting with surgical precision.
Meanwhile at Post Politics, Sean Sullivan reports that “Fully 65 percent of Americans say they approve” of the Iraq airstrikes ordered by President Obama. Only 23 percent disapprove.
“You can argue that the number of bills passed isn’t an ideal measure of how successful a Congress is. What you cannot argue is that there aren’t oodles of unresolved issues that people of all political stripes want to see addressed — and that could benefit from some sort of congressional action…Pennsylvania Avenue isn’t a one-way street, and the GOP controls the House…And just like it means Obama didn’t get more gun control, it also means Republicans haven’t gotten more border security.” – from Aaron Blake at the Fix.
Some politicians run against Washington. But, as Matea Gold reports, in NC Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan is doing pretty good running against Raleigh.
And The Nation’s John Nichols explains why Democratic candidate for Governor Mary Burke has a solid chance to defeat Scott Walker in Wisconsin.
Some states actually make it, gasp, easier to vote.
Shane Goldmacher reports at the National Journal that NRCC decepticons have launched two dozen faux news sites to reach low-information voters.
In shameless name-dropping, Hollywood celebs who have given the max ($5,200) to Alison Lundergan Grimes’s campaign to unseat Mitch McConnell include (according to Judy Kurtz at the Hill): Ben Affleck; Jack Black; James Cameron; Nicolas Cage; Danny DeVito; Cameron Diaz; Leonardo DiCaprio; Jennifer Garner; Steven Spielberg; Tom Hanks; Jerry Seinfeld; Mike Myers; Jon Hamm; producer J.J. Abrams; DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg; Woody Allen; Ted Danson; America Ferrera; Leonard Nimoy; Barbara Streisand; Aaron Sorkin; Ben Stiller; and Chris Rock. It appears that poor Mitch will have to make do with warbucks from his corporate masters.

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