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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

AP’s survey “Where House Democrats Are Spending Campaign Cash” is more about ad media choices than geographic location — but interesting nonetheless.
A scary stat from the Lone Star state: “In the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate, the 145,000 voters who nominated David Alameel of Dallas represented just 1 percent of the people who can vote in Texas.”
Some of the wisdom of this article by Rick Perlstein in The Nation can be found in the subtitle: “The mainstream and liberal press’s quixotic search for a ‘good’ conservative merely reinforces the soft bigotry of low expectations.”
Digby has an interesting Salon.com post on WI Gov. Scott Walker’s dimming hopes for exoneration from the “little corruption problem he just can’t shake.”
At ThinkProgress, Matt Browne’s “Why Europe’s Progressives Shouldn’t Mourn The EU’s Latest Election” explains why we shouldn’t get all chicken little about the hard right turn in the European Parliament elections.
PA union sets new standard for political myopia.
Joan McCarter reports at Daily Kos that “Arkansas’ version of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, its “private option,” has been a rousing success, having signed up 75 percent of the state’s eligible population so far, and still going strong.”
“Over 60 percent of Americans in Deep South states, including Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, support expanding Medicaid, according to a recent poll by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies…Nonetheless, these states’ GOP-controlled legislatures and Republican governors — Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant — each oppose the expansion,” reports Shadee Ashtari at HuffPo.
Mark Blumenthal and Ariel Edwards-Levy discuss “How Accurate are Most Robopolls?” at HuffPollster.com.

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