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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

Chris Cillizza’s “2014 Senate races may be a referendum on Obama; if so, Democrats should worry” at The Fix doesn’t entertain the possibility that an economic uptick, divisions within the GOP and an improved profile of Obamacare could help the Dems in this year’s elections. But he does acknowledge that “even a slight comeback for the president would probably do a world of good for someone like Hagan. It’s also possible — per the Heitkamp example cited above — that people like Begich and Pryor can effectively turn the focus of their races from national concerns to state ones.”
Meanwhile Karen Tumulty and Robert Costa explain, also at the Washington Post, why “Republicans face 2016 turmoil” at The Washington Post: “The party is divided and in turmoil, with a civil war raging between its establishment and insurgent factions. For the first time in memory, there is no obvious early favorite — no candidate with wide appeal who has run before, no incumbent president or vice president, no clear establishment pick…An enormous number of potential contenders are looking at the race, including, perhaps, a return of virtually everyone who ran in 2012. Come this time next year, 15 or more of them could be traveling the early primary states, jockeying for attention and money.
Evan McMorris-Santoro takes a peak “Inside The Plan To Get More Young Americans To Enroll In Obamacare” at Buzzfeed Politics. Hint: it’s about targeting young women.
At the Tucson Weekly David Safier explains what you get when you vote for a Republican state legislature in AZ: “Last year, Republicans passed a voter suppression bill in the AZ Lege. People who objected to it managed to gather 146,000 signatures to put an referendum on the ballot that would let Arizona voters decide if they wanted to keep the new law or repeal it. In a “To hell with the voters” move, Republicans wrote another bill to repeal their own bill. If the new bill passes, they plan to vote the suppression measures back in piece my piece, making them referendum-proof.” Yet another indication that Dems should make Republican voter suppression a messaging issue everywhere in November.
The Washington Post editorial board explains why “Government has to make voting easier” — and how to do it.
Sean Trende’s “The 2020 Reapportionment and the Voting Rights Act” at the Crystal Ball touched on a delicate problem for Dems, among other redistricting issues: “…Many Democrats would prefer to weaken majority-minority districts. Part of the Democrats’ challenge in winning the House is that the VRA forces them to place their most loyal supporters into districts with one another. If Democrats could weaken these districts, they could dilute Republican strength in the suburbs and create more Democratic districts. We see this with the ongoing Florida litigation, where Democrats are urging the dismantling of two African-American plurality districts in the hopes of weakening neighboring districts currently held by Republicans.”
It looks like Sandra Fluke may be running against Marianne Williamson for the congressional seat being vacated by retiring Rep. Henry Waxman.
At The New Yorker Steve Coll writes about Colorado’s political transformation as a possible preview of the future of the Democratic Party.
At L.A. Times Politics Now Maeve Reston explains why Democratic women were the key to getting President Obama to hike the minimum wage.

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