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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes – Shutdown of the Shutdown Edition

From James Hohmann’s Politico post, “Dem poll: Shutdown could hurt GOP in Senate races” discussing a new PPP poll: “In Georgia, voters opposed the shutdown nearly two to one, 61 percent to 31 percent. Democrat Michelle Nunn ties a generic Republican at 42 percent. After being told “her most likely opponents for next year supported the government shutdown,” Nunn opens a six-point lead over a generic Republican.”
In their CNN Politics post, “Republican Shutdown Pain May Boost Dems,” Dan Merica and Robert Yoon quote Stuart Rothenberg, editor of The Rothenberg Political Report: “”There is now a plausible case for the midterms being a plus for the Democrats, where I would never said that six months ago.” Rothenberg said the GOP is being perceived as “a chaotic, disorganized, confused party” and it is likely that their fundraising numbers will likely begin to slow in the coming months.”Big dollar donors, who are more pragmatic business types, are now worried about where the party is going,” he said. “For Democrats, this helps them for 2014 in recruitment, in fundraising and in overall morale.”
Standard & Poor says the GOP shutdown cost Americans $25 billion in GDP.
For a broader perspective on the cost Republican obstruction, check out “Gridlock Has Cost U.S. Billions, and the Meter Is Still Running” by Annie Lowery Nathaniel Popper and Nelson D. Schwartz at The New York Times. As the authors note, “A new report from Macroeconomic Advisers, prepared for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, estimates the costs of the fiscal uncertainty of the last few years. Its model suggests that uncertainty since late 2009 has increased certain corporate borrowing costs by 0.38 percentage point; lowered economic growth over that period by 0.3 percent a year, costing at least $150 billion in lost output; and left this year’s unemployment rate higher by 0.6 percentage point. That translates to 900,000 jobs lost.”
Rep. Chris van Hollen outs the sneaky GOP rule change designed to keep the government shut down:

If you thought Texas Republicans might be feeling a little shame in the wake of the Cruz debacle, read Doktor Zoom’s take on the latest drivel from their Light Gov at Wonkette.
Despite the focus on a relatively small band of tea party house members, Politico’s Ginger Gibson points out that “62 percent of House Republicans oppose deal,” which would be a good stat to trot out in Democratic ads in all House elections.
To see how your Rep. voted, check out the House roll call vote right here. Here is the senate tally.
Harold Meyerson has an insightful column at WaPo, calling out the tea party Republicans for their Stalinist antics. Meyerson adds an apt description that could serve as a fitting eulogy for their failed offensive: “Today’s tea party-ized Republicans speak less for Wall Street or Main Street than they do for the seething resentments of white Southern backwaters and their geographically widespread but ideologically uniform ilk. Their theory of government, to the extent that they have one, derives from John C. Calhoun’s doctrine of nullification — that states in general and white minorities in particular should have the right to overturn federal law and impede majority rule. Like their predecessors in the Jim Crow South, today’s Republicans favor restricting minority voting rights if that is necessary to ensure victory at the polls…The tea party’s theory of government and the fear and loathing that many adherents harbor toward minorities find a truer expression in the Confederate flag than in the Stars and Stripes.”

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