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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

GOP Poll Numbers Hit Meltdown Territory in New NBC/WSJ Survey

If you thought recent opinion polls were bad news for Republicans, dig this excerpt about the latest NBC/WSJ poll conducted October 7-9, from Ariel Edwards-Levy’s HuffPo post, “Poll: Republicans ‘Badly Damaged’ By Shutdown Battle“:

Americans blamed Republicans over President Barack Obama for the shutdown by a margin of 22 percentage points, with 53 percent saying the GOP deserved more blame, and 31 percent saying Obama did. Approval ratings for the Republican Party and the tea party were at 24 percent and 21 percent respectively — both record lows as measured by NBC/WSJ.

There’s no avoiding the conclusion that 22 percent is a pretty astounding blame gap. It does appear that the public is beginning to get it that the shutdown, the hardship it is already causing all across America and the threat of another retirement investments debacle is overwhelmingly due to Republican extremism and obstruction. There’s more:

Voters were 8 points more likely to say they’d prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress over a Republican-controlled Congress, a 5-point shift toward the Democrats since last month. Support for the new health care law, the touchstone of the government shutdown, rose a net 8 points from September, while the belief that government should do more to solve problems was up 8 points from June.

“That is an ideological boomerang,” said GOP Pollster Bill McInturff, “if there is a break, there is a break against the Republican position.” In addition, 70 percent of the respondents agreed that Republicans are “putting their own political agenda ahead of what is good for the country,” while about half said the same for the President. Further, reports Edwards-Levy:

WSJ/NBC pollsters said the survey showed some of the most dramatic shifts they had seen in decades in public attitudes toward the well-being of the country, the direction of the economy and wider political sentiment, according to the Journal.

The poll also revealed a 6 point increase in the percentage of respondents who rated their feelings toward Speaker John Boehner as “very negative” since the last time the poll asked the question in January. You have to wonder if that has anything to do with Boehner’s petulant interview on ABC’s ‘This Week’ last Sunday.

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