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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

Michael Tomasky puts the Todd Akin gaffe on ‘legitimate rape’ into perspective at The Daily Beast (quoting also from Garance Franke-Ruta of the Atlantic), noting that it’s not just an isolated slip-of-the-tongue; the GOP has a disturbing history with the notion. Sarah Kliff of Ezra Klein’s Wonkblog has more on the GOP’s blundering on the issue.
More evidence that the GOP is running very scared on the Akin gaffe: Sen. Scott Brown has just called on Akin to resign from the GOP MO Senate nomination.
Bill Barrow’s Associated Press article, “Solid South’ no longer just all-red or all-blue” is a good starting point for re-opening the debate about how much money, time and energy Dems should put into trying to win southern states in November, and forward from there. Barrow really needs a ‘part II’ to explore the topic in a little more depth. It’s not just about VA and NC, which Obama won in ’08. Obama ads are now running in GA, where he received 47 percent of the vote in ’08, and which is being colored pink now, instead of red or even orange in this political map.
For a data-driven analysis of state-by-state voter turnout rates in 2008, you won’t find a better source than this web page, provided by The United States Election Project .
A Suffolk University poll finds that about 40 percent of America’s eligible voters say they probably will not vote in November, according to this Fox News report. Moreover, the report notes that “55 percent of unlikely voters in the Suffolk poll have a favorable view of the president, while just a quarter look favorably on Romney…If they did vote, roughly four in 10 of those registered to vote said they would back Obama, compared with 20 percent for Mr. Romney, according to the poll last week.”
Sometimes gaffes are the truth. A top GOP official in Ohio admits to racially-driven voter-suppression, as Ari Berman reports at The Nation.
WaPo’s Carter Askew meditates on “Mitt Romney’s Entitlement Problem,” and comes up with a revealing insight: ” Romney seems to believe that in certain ways he is better than others. How dare we question his tax rate; he has paid millions and millions of dollars in taxes. He pays more in one year at 13 percent than 99.9 percent of Americans pay in their lifetimes…Maybe Romney’s sense of entitlement is so vast that he thinks taxes and charity are one in the same: both his discretionary gifts to mankind, for which we should be thankful.”
Intrade’s political forecast map is a little different than the others, but still looking very good for the President.
“Robert Reich’s “Mitt’s 13% Tax Is Shameful” from his blog, via Reader Supported News, cuts to the chase in putting Romney’s taxes in perspective. Reich shares the one quote by Adam Smith the Republicans never repeat: “The rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more in proportion.” Then Reich goes for the jugular: “At a time when poverty is increasing, when public parks and public libraries are being closed and when public schools are shrinking their offerings and their hours, when the nation’s debt is immense, and when the 400 richest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million of us put together – Romney’s 13 percent is shameful.”
Here’s the skinny on all of the states’ voter registration deadlines, with widgets to register.

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