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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

The Conservative “Christianization” of Thomas Jefferson: A new book claims America’s great champion of religious freedom and tolerance was actually just a conventionally devout and pious Christian. Sadly, millions of Americans will believe it’s true.

A message from Ed Kilgore:
Dear Readers:
A key part of the religious right’s agenda in recent years has been to rewrite American history to make the founding fathers of America appear to be advocates of an explicitly “Christian nation” rather than a land of religious freedom, tolerance and the protection of the rights of religious minorities.
The latest addition to this campaign is a new book by a leading “Christian nation” advocate that argues that Thomas Jefferson, the great champion of religious freedom and tolerance in America, was really nothing more than an entirely conventional conservative Christian .
TDS is pleased to offer a detailed TDS White Paper by Andrew Levison refuting this view – a critique that contrasts Jefferson’s actual religious philosophy with the distorted picture presented in this latest attempt to rewrite American history.
The Conservative “Christianization” of Thomas Jefferson: A new book claims America’s great champion of religious freedom and tolerance was actually just a conventionally devout and pious Christian. Sadly, millions of Americans will believe it’s true.
To read the White Paper, Click Here
Ed Kilgore
Managing Editor
The Democratic Strategist

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