washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Thomas Jefferson’s Religious Philosophy: A Profound and Inspiring Progressive Response to Rick Santorum and the Religious Right

A note from Ed Kilgore:
Rick Santorum’s recent comments on religion have elevated a number of core ideas of the religious right to a central place in the current national debate and have presented progressives and Democrats with a formidable challenge to their views.
In response to this challenge I am pleased to offer the following thought-provoking study of Thomas Jefferson’s religious philosophy as well as a companion communications campaign that illustrates how to put the study’s conclusions into action.

o Thomas Jefferson’s Religious Philosophy: A Profound and Inspiring Progressive Alternative to Rick Santorum and the Religious Right.
o A Communications Campaign: Thomas Jefferson’s Philosophy of Religious Freedom and Tolerance – a Democratic Alternative to the Religious Right

I believe you will find both the study and the communications campaign interesting and important.
Ed Kilgore

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