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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

Paul Begala sums up “Mitt Romney’s Charmless Win in New Hampshire” at the Daily Beast: “…It’s pretty easy to look bulletproof when your enemies are shooting blanks. Yes, Jon Huntsman ran a “comparative ad” that was weaker than baby’s pee. And, yes, Newt Gingrich body-slammed Romney in the Meet the Press debate, essentially calling him a liar and demanding he “cut the pious baloney.” But no one hit him right between the eyes with the kinds of ads Hillary and Barack used, let alone the carpet-bombing Romney’s allies used against Gingrich in Iowa.”
Seems a little early for Republican kumbaya, what with Governor Perry calling Romney a “vulture capitalist” and all.
WaPo’s Chris Cillizza presents compelling data from a Washington Post-Pew Research Center poll which indicate that endorsements don’t matter much. But I still think this one opened some hearts.
The GOP’s Class ‘Warfare’ meme rings a bit ridiculous to the reality-based community. But class conflict is definitely on the rise, according to a new Pew Research poll. As CNN’s Moni Basu reports, “Conflict between rich and poor is at an all-time high, at least in the way of public perception…The survey found that 66% of adults believe there are “very strong” or “strong” conflicts between the two groups. That number spiked 19 percentage points since Pew last posed that question in 2009…The public’s evaluations of divisions within American society, conflicts between rich and poor now rank ahead of three other potential sources of group tension — between immigrants and the native born; between blacks and whites; and between young and old…”
You think Newt’s Bain-Romney attack is hot stuff? Dig Benjy Sarlin’s TPM post, “Dems Prepare To Hammer Romney With The REAL Bain Onslaught“.
Alex Altman has an interesting analysis up at Time Swampland, “What Ad Spending Says About Each GOP Candidate-and Their Success.” Altman notes, “If Romney gets dinged by the air wars in South Carolina, he’s likely to quickly recover in Florida. The state’s size and large number of major media markets make it prohibitively expensive for minor-league outfits to play there.”
Taylor West and Peter Bell agree at Hotline on Call that it’s all about Florida as far as Romney is concerned.
The GOP spin doctors are working overtime, parroting the meme that private equity firms are mighty job-creators. But this Nobel laureate ain’t having it. “…We’re not going to get better policies if the man sitting in the Oval Office next year sees his job as being that of engineering a leveraged buyout of America Inc.”
Election prediction junkees should read this L.A. Times post by Brad Schiller before making any bets.

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