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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Political Strategy Notes

George Lakoff’s “A Framing Memo for Occupy Wall Street” at Reader Supported News contains some sound advice for the protesters. Lakoff, author of “The Political Mind: Why You Can’t Understand 21st-Century American Politics with an 18th-Century Brain,” shares some good insights here, among them, “Occupy elections: voter registration drives, town hall meetings, talk radio airtime, party organizations, nomination campaigns, election campaigns, and voting booths…Above all: Frame yourselves before others frame you.”
One of the frequently-heard cynical utterances in Georgia is “Thank God for Mississippi,” because they almost always edge out the Peach State in the race to the bottom regarding various educational statistics. Well, today it’s “Thank God for Alabama,” which has topped even GA in the quest for bad press for having the most idiotic, destructive and racist immigration law. This New York Times editorial explains it well.
Speaking of vicious, self-destructive immigration policies, Trip Gabriel’s “Comments on Immigration Alienate Some Hispanics,” also in the NYT, discusses the boomerang potential of immigrant-bashing in the GOP Vegas debate.
At Daily Kos, Chris Bowers flags new and recent polls indicating strong public support for OWS. Bowers cautions “These are great numbers for Occupy Wall Street, but they should be digested with an important qualifier. By a four-to-one margin, those who agree with Occupy Wall Street “mostly agree” rather than “completely agree.” When polls are heavy with “somewhat” or “mostly” responses, that is often a sign that opinions are not well formed on that subject matter. As such, the challenge for Occupy Wall Street moving forward will be to solidify its broad, but soft, support.”
Gotta love Blue Texan’s comment at Firedoglake.com on Sarah Palin’s diss of Gov. Perry’s immigration policy: “Man, just when the Secessionist needed a life preserver — she throws him an anvil.”
Interesting read at Foreign Policy, where Jacob Heilbrunn has a lament “Twilight of the Wise Man,” concerning the demise of, well, sanity among the GOP’s international affairs gurus, in particular the once-influential but now besieged-by-the-tea-party Sen. Richard Lugar. “This kind of above-politics deal-making on matters of global importance was once the hallmark of a whole caste of Republican policymakers, the so-called “wise men”: avatars of the establishment who always maintained that foreign affairs is a lofty sphere to be left untainted by partisan bickering.”
AP’s article, “Ohio Union Fight Could Boost Dems’ 2012 Chances” by Ann Sanner and Sam Hananel quotes former Democratic Governor Ted Strickland on the importance of the November 8 referendum regarding whether to dump Ohio’s draconian restrictions on public employee unions: “If we were to win, I think it would be a major encouragement that will be hugely beneficial, not only to Democrats running for the state House and state Senate, but I think it would be a huge benefit to Senator (Sherrod) Brown and to President Obama.”
WaPo Fact-Checker Glenn Kessler doesn’t merely shred the job-creation claim made by Sens. McCain, Paul and Portman about their “ludicrous” alternative to the President’s jobs bill; he pulverizes it to smithereens.
Joe Slade White and Ben Nuckels discuss “The unconventional campaign that helped Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn secure an improbable win” in their Campaigns & Elections post, “Values, Timing and Breaking the ‘Rules.” The authors answer some interesting questions, including: “So how did the pundits and insiders have it so wrong? How did the Quinn campaign get outspent by over a million dollars on TV in the last eight weeks and still pull off a victory? And how did Quinn win, while the Democratic candidate to fill President Barack Obama’s old Senate seat lost?”
Aspiring authors take note of Herman Cain’s clever formula for getting your book on the best-seller list: Run for Prez, shell out $36K of campaign cash for copies of your own book, bought from your own company and..voila! Greg Howard fleshes out the scam at Slate.com.

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