Today is the 43rd anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther KIng, Jr., who was murdered while supporting striking sanitation workers in Memphis, TN in 1968. Dr. King, a strong supporter of the American trade union movement, said “The Labor Movement was the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress.” Today, American labor will honor Dr. King with more than 1000 events in the ‘We Are One’ campaign, coast to coast. From the AFL-CIO Now blog:
You can keep up with all of the We Are One events on April 4 by checking out a live Web stream, Twitter feed and photo slide show of ongoing events at the AFL-CIO site….
If you are out at a rally or event, share what’s going on through Twitter using the #April4 hashtag. And if you’re on Twitter and attending a rally, please send twitpics using the #April4 hashtag and we will add them to the slideshow at
On April 4 and in the days before and after, working people are joining students, religious leaders, elected officials and community activists across the country in more than 1,000 We Are One actions to show solidarity with workers under attack and to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated that day in 1968. He was in Memphis April 4 helping sanitation workers fight for the same workers’ rights now under attack in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and elsewhere.
Click here to find an event near you…Click here for ideas you can use to stage your own event, here for resources and here to add an event to our We Are One calendar