washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

The Whitman Spending Machine Moves Remorselessly On

In case you missed it, Calfornia Republican gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman has officially become the heaviest-spending non-presidential political candidate in U.S. history. Calbuzz has the numbers:

To the surprise of no one, eMeg has already shattered New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s self-funding record for a U.S. political campaign – with seven weeks left to go before the November 2 election.
With her most recent $15 million check to herself, eMeg has now personally forked out $119,075,806.11, according to the ever-punctilious Jack Chang. Rounding off and discounting the couch change, this means that she has spent an average of $203,767.12 on each and every one of the 584 days since she declared her candidacy.
For those keeping score at home that works out to a 24/7 average of $8490.29 per hour, $141.50 per minute, and $2.36 per second.
Talk about in for a dime, in for a dollar.

Whitman originally said she was willing to spend up to $150 million of her own money to win this race. Looks like she’s on track to hit that mark or exceed it by November 2, particularly if her contest with Jerry Brown stays as tight as everyone expects it to be.

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