As I’ve noted on occasion lately, one of the under-discussed contributors to voter cynicism is the practice of primary candidates calling each other lying scum-suckers one minute and then, the moment the polls close, embracing like old friends.
This does not seem to be happening in Florida right now, according to an AP story:
Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has ceded the Republican gubernatorial nomination to Rick Scott. But it’s going to take more than that for Scott to win McCollum’s support in the November election.
McCollum on Thursday wouldn’t even rule out an endorsement of Democrat Alex Sink.
McCollum said they have policy disagreements, but he wouldn’t rule out endorsing either of those two, or even Bud Chiles — an independent son of former Gov. Lawton Chiles….
McCollum said he still has misgivings about Scott’s past. While Scott was CEO, the hospital company Columbia/HCA perpetrated one of the largest Medicare frauds in U.S. history. Scott left with a rich severance package, while the company repaid the government a record $1.7 billion.
You can sort of understand McCollum’s feelings. He’s spent most of his adult life toiling in the party vineyards, finally earning a gubernatorial shot this year. And then it was all ruined by Scott and his bottomless checking account. So why should Bill McCollum care about party unity right now? What good has it done him lately?
It’s possible, of course, that McCollum’s got some campaign debts that he’d like Scott to pay off, and won’t move a muscle on behalf of the ticket until such time as his vanquisher opens up his wallet. Or maybe Rick Scott’s about to find out that all’s not forgiven from his savage campaign against McCollum, and that in politics, as in life generally, money can buy you almost anything but love.