washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Just When You Thought the Haley Saga Couldn’t Get More Twisted….

If you’ve been following the bizarre saga of front-running Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley of SC, you may have noticed things quiet down over the weekend. There was no new evidence from blogger Will Folks to support his allegations of an illicit affair with the candidate, and news coverage in the Palmetto State moved on to other subjects.
Then today Lt. Gov. Andre “Stray Animals” Bauer, who was running second to Haley in the most recent poll of the gubernatorial race (from Insider Advantage), fired one of his top political advisors, a consultant named Larry Marchant, for “inappropriate conduct,” and immediately the conservative blogosphere lit up with “ah-hah” claims that Marchant was dumped for complicity in a conspiracy to threaten or bribe Folks into making his allegations against Haley.
But no, according to Marchant, the “inappropriate conduct” was a one-night stand with Nikki Haley back in 2008!
Gaze in awe.
UPCATEGORY: Democratic Strategist
If this can all get more byzantine, I’m sure it will.

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