washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Money Talks

Early in a campaign cycle, fundraising statistics can sometimes speak volumes about how a particular contest is likely to develop, and even which candidates will decide in the end against running. Politico’s Josh Kraushaar has a rundown today on the big fundraising “stories” for 2010.
A few stand out. Senate candidate Charlie Crist of Florida may be profoundly unpopular with conservatives in his party, but he’s crushing primary rival Marco Rubio on the fundraising front. Kentucky Sen. Jim Bunning is still turning in some of the most anemic fundraising numbers in the country. Joe Sestak has more than four million dollars in the bank for his yet-to-be-officially-announced primary challenge to party-switching Sen. Arlen Specter. And Republicans who are marking down a Senate seat in Delaware as a likely gain next year might want to notice how little money their supposed candidate, Rep. Mike Castle, is raising, often a sign of an impending retirement rather than a big race.

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