washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

One More Conflicting Poll on Abortion

So even as we all wrangle about the Pew and Gallup surveys suggesting a shift in public opinion on abortion in one direction, CNN releases a new poll that suggests a shift in the opposite direction.
It shows Americans opposing by a 68-30 margin a hypothetical action by the U.S. Supreme Court to “completely overturn” Roe v. Wade. Nate Silver says this is the highest level of support for Roe he can find in the last decade or so.
Nate notes that there are some legitimate criticisms to be made of the wording of this CNN poll. But you know what? There are legitimate criticisms to be made of the wording of virtually every poll on abortion, particularly those that toss out identifers like “pro-life” and “pro-choice” that mean different things to different people. At least the CNN poll involves a specific hypothetical situation, and precisely the one that is relevant as the President prepares to choose a new Supreme Court nominee.

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