washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority


Here’s my nominee for the blandest news headline of the year, courtesy of CNN: “Palin to call for reform in convention speech.”
Wow, stop the presses. Think she’ll also “call for” putting country first? That could, of course, upset her friends in the Alaska Independence Party.
But here’s my favorite passage in the article:

Earlier Wednesday, Palin took a tour of the podium at the convention site. She walked through the nearly empty hall and spent about 10 minutes checking out the podium, telling reporters that she feels “great.”
“I’m excited to speak to Americans. This will be good. It’s about reform,” she said.

As many of you may know, any time a politician utters the words “It’s about,” you can be sure that “insert message here” will immediately follow.

3 comments on “On-Message

  1. LG on

    I definitely commented one and it is not up here.
    What I remember I wrote about is that
    you kind of looked down on Alaskan seccessionist, and that’s why I asked if you are not afraid that Democratic policies, especially regarding immigration will not dissect your country to pieces and undermine its cohesion.


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