washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

More on the Left and Obama

My post yesterday about the Democratic Left’s “Obama problem” was cross-posted at TPMCafe by that site’s request, and at this point, has attracted more than 60 comments, mostly about Obama’s Social Security rap.
And over at OpenLeft, Matt Stoller takes pretty strong exception to my analysis, primarily, it appears, because he considers discussion of Obama’s framing and rhetorical themes “non-substantive.” He also seems to think I’m poorly qualified for the task of providing insights on “the Left” because I am insufficiently “Of the Left” myself, a point of view that would cast a negative light on a lot of progressive analysis of conservatism and the GOP. He is right that I should have noted some progressive policy disagreements with Obama, such as the Iraq residual troop issue, and maybe his health care plan.
I’ve traveling right now, but will address Matt’s post in greater length later today.

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