washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

The War On Blogospheric Terror

In case you somehow missed it, the Edwards Blogger pseudo-story reached its denouement this last week, when Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwen resigned their new campaign jobs, citing vast quantities of hate email, including death threats. Anyone who puts his or her name out there in the public square is going to get hateful and abusive communications; I certainly do from time to time. But nobody should have to put up with threats of bodily harm, much less murder. In most jurisdictions in this country, conveying such “terroristic threats,” regardless of the medium, is a crime punishable with fines or even imprisonment. I hope Marcotte and McEwan let some of their worst tormenters know their emails have been referred to the appropriate authorities for investigation and prosecution. Maybe a few of these creeps will get a sense of what it feels like to be hunted.

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