Via an email from the Georgia Democratic Party, I learned about an excellent idea for a seasonal gesture by a certain politician who has long proclaimed his fidelity to Christian principles. Yes, I’m talking about Ralph Reed, candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, who recently announced his regret that he harvested millions of dollars in Native American Casino money as a key player in Jack Abramoff’s elaborate scam to chase off competitors to the tribes he was ripping off.
If Ralph really regrets his decision, shouldn’t he give the money to a worthy organization? He could give it to Gamblers Anonymous, or Ralph could give his tainted Abramoff money to Native American charities, like Senator Conrad Burns (R-Mont.). If he truly feels remorse about working with people now under federal investigation and indictment, he should donate the funds so that he doesn’t profit off this relationship that he now says he regrets.In addition to making the charitable contribution, Ralph could tell us all how he did not know the source of millions of dollars funneled to him — even with emails made public by investigators that appear to directly contradict his claims of ignorance. Ralph has expressed regret and issued general denials, but he hasn’t explained how it all fits together.Please take a moment and send Ralph an email calling on him to give the millions he took in from “Casino Jack” to a worthy organization. Also take a minute to check out some of Ralph’s other nefarious actions at And while you’re doing that, please check out the page that lets you forward the website to 10 of your friends, and help us spread the news.
I’m glad to see Georgia Democrats are working so hard to make sure Ralph gets into the proper spirit of the season.