washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Kerry Up by 7 in Michigan

John Kerry leads George Bush 50-43 percent among Michigan RV’s, with 1 percent for Nader and 6 percent neither/unsure, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll conducted Sept. 10-13.

5 comments on “Kerry Up by 7 in Michigan

  1. gabby hayes on

    The Catholic vote is an issue.
    We need it, and I think we will do OK, unless some Church flak is stirred up over abortion. Apparently killing people is OK, but supporting abortion is SIN in capital letters.

  2. T.J. Pempel on

    Unfortunately, the same poll shows Bush up by 5 in Wisconsin….Would someone remind Kerry to pronounce “Lambeau” correctly or else he’ll loose every remaining football fan in that policy-blind but sports-crazy state. T.J.

  3. thecreature on

    Michigan might have been tossup once, but I actually think it’s a bit Dem-leaning these days. If you look at the county data, there’s been huge desertion from the Republicans in the lower penninsular counties, and Detroit has, if anything, become even more Democrat than it was in the 60s.


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