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The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

Good News from the Provinces

Good news from the provinces. A very recent (June 21-23) ARG poll of likely voters in Ohio has Kerry ahead by 6 (49-43), even with Nader in the mix. (He has an identical 6 point lead (50-44) when Nader is not included.) Polls taken in the last month or so have tended to show Bush ahead in this key state, so this is welcome news for the Kerry campaign.
Especially good news is Kerry’s wide 15 point lead among independents (53-38). That’s up from a 5 point Kerry lead in May. In Ohio, independents very much hold the balance since the numbers of Republican and Democratic voters in presidential elections are roughly equal and tend to be roughly equally polarized in favor of their candidate. In 2000, Bush won the state by 4 points and independents by 15 points. If Kerry can maintain anything like his current lead among Ohio’s independents, Bush will be toast in the state.
Another June 21-23 ARG poll has Kerry ahead by a point (47-46) among likely voters in Florida; two points if Nader is not included (48-46). The key here is again independent voters–in 2000, Gore and Bush were dead-even among these voters in Florida. In this ARG poll, Kerry leads Bush by 13 among independents (51-38), up from a 7 point lead in May.
Finally, Kerry leads a Kerry-Bush matchup 49-43 in a just-released Quinnipiac University poll of Pennsylvania registered voters. In their late May poll, Kerry led by only 3 in this matchup. Again, independents are swinging Kerry’s way, giving him a healthy 19 point lead (55-36). Pennsylvania independents also give Bush a stunningly low approval rating: 34 percent approval to 64 percent disapproval.

One comment on “Good News from the Provinces

  1. Carlos on

    I was going through some of postings of the last couple weeks and am stunned at the lack of comments on this seemingly significant “news from the provinces” analysis. OH and FL represent (I believe) a 47 electoral vote swing from the 2000 contest. I wonder if Kerry’s lead in FL would increase by much if, say, Bob Grahm was the VP choice? It seems as if all the VP candidates mentioned have a limited potential to gain electoral votes beyond their home states. However, it would be interesting to see if there is polling data on this.


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