washington, dc

The Democratic Strategist

Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority

A Question of Trust

Here’s a result from that recent Time/CNN poll that I never got around to flagging but it’s an important one: Bush’s status as “a leader you can trust” as opposed to one about whom “you have some doubts and reservations” continues to decline. For the first time, he’s under 40 percent on this one, with 39 percent saying he’s a leader they can trust, compared to 59 percent who have doubts and reservations (37/61 among independents).
Also dipping below 40 percent for the first time in this poll is the number who say the war against Iraq was “was worth the toll it has taken in American lives and other kinds of costs”. That’s now down to 37 percent, as against 56 percent who say the war hasn’t been worth those costs (35/60 among independents).

3 comments on “A Question of Trust

  1. john mccutchen on

    Game Set Match..
    The same thing has been reported in California…a poll done in March…
    While the poll doesn’t intend to track voting preferences, it does strongly suggest that Bush’s marks are falling among “average citizens” concerned with issues that affect their daily lives, according to Trounstine – – a former San Jose Mercury News political writer and former adviser to then- Gov. Gray Davis who now heads the SJSU consumer research institute.
    Trounstine said that perhaps the “single most damning problem” for Bush is results on the question: Generally speaking, do you believe that what President Bush tells the American people is true?
    More Californians, 48 percent, said no to the question — and 42 percent said yes. In the heavily Democratic Bay Area, 56 percent said they did not believe the president, and 33 percent said they did.
    In two GOP strongholds, Bush got barely passing marks: in the Central Valley, 50 percent said they believe what the president says is true, and 37 percent said they did not; in the Southern California GOP strongholds, 50 per cent said they believed the president, and 43 percent did not.
    “We’ve seen historically that when the White House develops a credibility problem, it’s very difficult to recover,” said Trounstine. ”
    SF Chronicle article on a recent California poll 4/6/04


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