From Adam Sneed’s report, “Poll: Good grades for Obama on unemployment” at Politico: “Fifty-one percent of those surveyed say the president is handling unemployment well, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. The poll was conducted before Friday’s jobs report, which showed the strongest job growth in three months since 1997 as well as a notable growth in hourly wages for the private sector…The new numbers come with more good news for Obama’s party: The poll finds Americans are more likely to trust Democrats than Republicans on handling economic issues, but the numbers are low for both parties. Thirty-three percent trust Democrats on the economy, and 28 percent trust Republicans.”
At National Journal, James Oliphant’s “How Not to Run for President: What 2016 hopefuls can learn from former flameouts” has some well-stated advice that could apply to down ballot campaigns as well.
AP’s Ken Thomas and Thomas Beaumont report on the Democratic strategy to out Jeb Bush as a Romney political clone: “Mitt Romney opposed the government’s rescue of U.S. automakers. So did Jeb Bush. Both worked in finance and backed the Wall Street bailout. Both are advocates of tax cuts that Democrats contend only benefit the wealthy and big business…They also are eager to note how Bush, after leaving office, served on an advisory board for Lehman Brothers, a financial firm that collapsed in 2008 during the recession. They compare Bush’s work in private equity to Romney’s role at Bain Capital, which was criticized during the 2012 campaign for its leveraged buyouts of companies that in some cases led to job losses…”We don’t need to try to show that Jeb is like Romney. He pretty much is Romney,” said Eddie Vale, vice president of American Bridge 21st Century, a liberal group set up to conduct opposition research on Republicans. “When it comes to any ideas or policies, he’s the same as Romney.”
This could be fun.
At Zachary Roth reports on the effort to undo the politicized felon disenfranchisement laws Republicans have passed in several states. Roth focuses on an Iowa case that reveals how low Gov. Terry Branstad has stooped to disenfranchise citizens of his state in service to the G.O.P. agenda.
NC Democrats have chosen former state legislator and congressional candidate Patsy Keever of Asheville to lead the state party to the 2016 elections, in which NC will elect a U.S. Senator, Governor and possibly, the President.
Despite all of the bragging rights the GOP has claimed about their improved campaign technology, conservative political consultant Adam B. Schaeffer explains “Why Republicans Haven’t Closed the Gap on Targeting and Tactics” at Campaigns & Elections.
At Family Amber and David Lapp report on “One Idea for Renewing Friendship in Working-Class America” — weekend retreats to build trust and camaraderie between families, a technique that was used with some success in the wake of the Spanish Civil War.
For a funny take on a Republican Governor striving to present himself as a down-home dude, read Kurt Erickson’s “Rauner still tryin’ to be a regular guy.” As Erickson notes, “But even though the campaign is over, the Winnetka Republican is still working the working class, blue collar theme. The latest evidence came Wednesday when he delivered his first State of the State speech to a joint session of the General Assembly…Just a few minutes into his address, Statehouse denizens began noticing a dramatic change in his language…He was droppin’ his G’s…It was clear Rauner has decided — perhaps with the assistance of a speech coach — that he might better connect with the masses if he said “disappearin” rather than “disappearing.”…Infightin’ over infighting. Neighborin’ over neighboring” etc.